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Terms & Conditions & Privacy Policy



1.1 In the conditions of booking, the customer making the booking is referred to as “the Guest”, “you” and “your” together with relevant possessive pronouns. “We”, “us”, “our”, “Lua & Pine” or ‘the Owner’, together with the relevant possessive pronouns, refers to Quinta Lua & Pine.

1.2 “Party” refers to those persons named on the booking confirmation and any person added at a later date.

1.3 All bookings are subject to the conditions of booking and availability.


2.1 By booking a stay at Lua & Pine, a contract is deemed to have been entered into between the Customer and the Owner.

2.2 This contract binds you and all the members of your party. You must read and understand these Terms and Conditions and agree to them on behalf of all members of your party. It is your responsibility to ensure that all members of your party are made aware of and accept the conditions of booking. When you make a booking you guarantee that you have the authority to accept and do accept the terms and conditions of booking on behalf of your party. Failure by you and/or members of your party to comply with these terms may lead to termination of this contract, and loss of the booking, the full amount of the booking and you may be asked to leave the accommodation and site.

2.3 Guests who make bookings must be aged 21 years and older. Any payment made by you is deemed confirmation of the acceptance of both these Terms and Conditions.

2.4 We reserve the right to refuse a booking without explanation.


3.1 Minimum Booking Durations

The minimum booking durations are as follows:

  • the minimum stay in our Coconut Treehouse is 2 nights

3.2 Occupancy

The occupancy of the accommodation we offer is as follows:

  • Coconut Treehouse – 3 guests, 1 Double size bed and 1 single bed.

Bookings for older children aged 14 and over are to be treated as bookings for adult Guests. Babies and children below 14 years old are not permitted; please note that this is non-negotiable.

No additional overnight Guests are allowed due to safety and insurance conditions of the Owner. Sub-letting or assignation of the let to others without prior agreement is prohibited by the Owner.

3.3 Arrival and Departure Times

Check-in is from 3.00pm – 11.00pm on the first day of the Guest’s booking.

Check-out time is by 11.00am on the final day of the Guest’s booking.

We reserve the right to make a surcharge for a departure later than the agreed check-out time, as this adversely impacts the quality of our preparations for the next incoming Guest.

3.4 Payment

Bookings are paid for online via the booking pages on the Owner’s website. All payments are made in €Euros.

Payment by the Guest using a credit or debit card is treated as authorisation for us to take any additional fees incurred by the Guest during and/or after the Guest’s stay at Lua & Pine.

Any charges incurred by the Owner for receiving payments from overseas will be passed to the Guest making the booking.

IVA is included in the cost of the accommodation.

Lua & Pine reserves the right to amend prices and details on the website.

3.5 Booking Deposit

Where a stay is booked 56 days or more before its commencement date, a  50% deposit of the total cost of the stay is required at the time of booking. The remaining balance will be automatically charged 30 days before the commencement date of the stay.

Where a stay is booked less than 35 days before its commencement date, the full cost of the booking is required at the time of booking.

Once a booking is confirmed by us, the Guest is liable for payment of the balance of their total stay cost. Non-payment of the balance of the total cost at the required time will be treated as a cancellation of the Guest’s stay.

Please note that this Booking Deposit is in addition to the Damage Deposit.

3.6 Damage Deposit

A separate damage deposit is taken at the time of booking or when the full balance is due (“Damage Deposit”), at the following rates per stay:

Coconut Treehouse: €250.00

All stays are inspected for damage after Guests leave, and the cost for replacement or repair to any such finding will be subtracted from this deposit.

If, on inspection, after Guests leave, their accommodation is found to be in the same condition as it was on their arrival, the Damage Deposit will be returned in full.

Guests’ deposits will be returned from 5 – 7 days after departure, following clearing, cleaning, and processing of their accommodation by us.


4.1 If a stay is cancelled more than 28 days prior to its commencement date, the Booking Deposit will be returned, and a €30.00 administrative fee will be applied. The Damage Deposit will be returned in full.

4.2 If a stay is cancelled 27 days prior to its commencement date, a late cancellation fee of the entire booking costs will be payable and therefore will be retained by the Owner. The Damage Deposit will be returned in full.

4.3 If the Guest wishes to cancel under the terms above, they must notify us of their cancellation in writing, within Lua & Pine’s office hours of Monday – Friday 9am – 4pm, to the following email address: [email protected]

4.4 Where a cancellation notification, as described above, is received outside these hours, cancellation will be deemed registered at 9am the following business day.

4.5 If a Guest wishes to reschedule their stay, this will be subject to the cancellation terms above.

4.6 We reserve the right to refuse any booking or cancel any bookings, subject to refunding any sums the Guest has paid, without further liability on our behalf.

4.7 We cannot accept responsibility or pay any compensation where the provision of the stay is prevented or affected by reason of circumstances which amount to “force majeure”. These include any event which we could not, even with all due care, foresee or avoid. Such circumstances include but are not limited to the destruction or damage of the property through fire, flood, explosion, storm or other weather damage, break-in, criminal damage, riots or civil strife, industrial action, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, war or threat of war, actual or threatened terrorist activity, epidemic, pandemic and all similar situations beyond our control.

4.8 We strongly advise Guests to take out holiday cancellation insurance in advance of their trip.


5.1 Please keep the accommodation in a good state of repair and condition both visually and structurally to maintain a pleasant and safe environment for all our guests.

5.2 Guests are advised to check their accommodation for any damage or breakages at the beginning of their stay, and to notify us of any that they find therein.

5.3 Guests will notify us immediately of any damages and/or breakages which occur during their stay.

5.4 If any part of the accommodation is found to be broken, badly damaged, irreplaceable, or missing as a result of the Guest’s stay, an amount subject to the extent of the replacement and/or repair will be taken from the Guest’s Damage Deposit to cover such.

5.5 Upon vacating the accommodation the Guest is responsible for leaving it in the same condition as they found it on their arrival.

5.6 The Guest must remove all food items and belongings when they leave. Any food items found to be left within the accommodation after the Guest’s stay will be disposed of immediately. Any belongings found to be left behind in the accommodation after the Guest’s stay must be claimed by the Guest within 30 days of the Guest’s departure. In such cases the Guest will be charged the cost of postage and packing plus a €10.00 administrative fee to have them returned. After 30 days any such unclaimed items will be disposed of.

5.7 The Guest must follow the Owner’s instructions about waste and recycling and return any moved inventory items to their accommodation or they may be liable for extra replacement and/or cleaning costs which in the first instance will be deducted from the Damage Deposit paid by the Guest.

5.8 Sun cream, fake tan, make-up and hair dye can all cause permanent damage to bedding, bed linens, towels and other household textiles. We ask our Guests to take care when using these products. We recommend that Guests planning to use such products during their stay bring their own spare bed linen and towels to prevent damage to items within the property. If damage and/or staining does occur and the items cannot be cleaned, the cost to replace these items will be deducted from the Guest’s Damage Deposit.

5.9 If the accommodation is not left in an acceptable condition, which would incur extra cleaning above and beyond the level which is expected, the additional cleaning cost will be deducted from the Damage Deposit. An additional charge of €15.00 per individual staff hour may also be levied. We reserve the right to deduct this payment from the Guest’s Damage Deposit. If the Guest should incur repair and/or replacement costs greater than the total of the Damage Deposit paid by them, we reserve the right to invoice the Guest for such following their stay and take such additional costs using the payment details provided by the Guest at the time of booking.

5.10 If on the Guest’s departure we are not satisfied with the condition in which their accommodation has been left, we may refuse to take any repeat bookings from that Guest.


6.1 During their stay at Lua & Pine, Guests will not commit any act which breaks the law. This includes not using the accommodation for any illegal purpose.

6.2 During their stay it is the Guest’s responsibility to close windows and lock their accommodation when they are not on site.

6.3 We are not responsible for any damage to, the safety of or the loss of the Guest’s personal property while it is on-site at Lua & Pine.

6.4 You are responsible for the health and safety of everyone using your accommodation regardless of whether it is used exclusively by yourself and/ or your family and friend.

6.5 We are not responsible for any damage, illness or injury caused by use of the accommodation and any amenities; such use is at the Guest’s own risk.

6.6  If our contract is not performed or is improperly performed by us we will pay you appropriate compensation if this has affected the enjoyment of your holiday. However, we will not be liable to you for any indirect or consequential loss or where any failure in the performance of the contract is due to:

6.6.1 you or a third party unconnected with the provision of your booking;

6.6.2 unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control, including but not limited to the breakdown of appliances, plumbing, electrical issues, structural repairs, invasion of pests/infestation, damage caused by exceptional weather conditions, noise and disturbance resulting from site maintenance, nearby building works, noisy neighbours, or local events, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised; or

6.6.3 an event which we or our suppliers, even with all due care, could not foresee or forestall.

6.7 Our liability, shall be limited to a maximum of two times the price of your booking.

6.8 We do not exclude or limit in any way our liability for:

6.8.1 death or personal injury caused by our negligence or the negligence of our employees, agents or subcontractors;

6.8.2 fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or

6.8.3 any other liability which may not be limited under any applicable law.

6.9 Bicycles are not permitted inside the accommodation. Guests bringing their own bicycles should ensure these are locked using the Guest’s own bicycle locks and left outside the accommodation. These are left at your own risk and we are not responsible for any damage to or loss of such bicycles.


7.1 Guests’ pets are not permitted on-site at any time. Please be advised that this is non-negotiable.


8.1 During your stay, you may use the accommodation for holiday and recreational purposes only. No business may be operated from the site, nor may content be created for the use of business purposes.

8.2 Commercial photography and filming (including wedding or engagement photography) is not permitted anywhere on the site without prior consent from the Owner.

8.3 Any images captured during permitted photography or filming may not be publicly distributed without prior permission from the Owner, and where permitted, they must be expressly credited as having been taken at Quinta Lua & Pine. For the avoidance of doubt, this shall include accurate location tagging on all social media platforms.

8.4 The Guests and their party shall not do anything, act or behave in a way, whether that be prior, during or after their stay, which would bring the Owner’s business into disrepute.

8.5 Guests must keep to the site rules listed here, behaving in a considerate, respectful, and safe manner to all people, animals and wildlife onsite:

~ No high noise levels after 9.00 p.m. All noise must stop by 11.00 p.m.

~ Amplified music or drumming is not permitted.

~ No smoking in any form, including e-cigarettes is permitted on the property. If this is breached a fine of €400.00 will be levied to cover the cost of additional deep cleaning, repair or replacement, and redecoration.

~ Only wood is permitted for use in the stove and fire pit.

~ No fireworks or sky lanterns are permitted.

~ Leave gates as you find them. If a gate is found closed upon use, please close this gate again behind you.

~ Keep to public footpaths and do not walk across crops, including long grass.

~ Leave no trace on the land.

8.6 Further to the above clause 8.5, the Owner has a zero-tolerance policy for any form of harassment or abuse towards the staff of the Owner, and the animals and wildlife of the site, and any party found to be in breach of this term 8.6 will be promptly removed from the site, and not provided with a refund.


9.1 We endeavour to ensure that Guests at Lua & Pine are given a positive experience, as evidenced by both our Guests’ good reviews and the number of repeat bookings we receive. We also recognise that on occasion things go wrong. In such circumstances, it is the responsibility of the Guest to make any such problem known to us immediately it becomes apparent, thereby giving us the opportunity to correct the situation. Unless this procedure is followed, no subsequent claim will be entertained. We will make every endeavour to rectify any identified problems as soon as is reasonably possible.

9.2 Please note that essential maintenance activities may be carried out on or in the accommodation during your stay.

9.3 We reserve the right to enter the accommodation to investigate any concerns by Guests as to disturbances or care of the property. If Guests deny us the opportunity to investigate complaints during their stay, the Guest will waive all rights in this matter.

9.4 If our Site Regulations are breached we may ask you to terminate your stay with immediate effect and without a refund.


10.1 Whilst every care is taken to provide a true and accurate description of the property on our website and social media, in marketing material and in email communications, alterations and updates will be made throughout the site over time. The Guest accepts that no refunds are available for any such discrepancies.

10.2 We reserve the right to enter the accommodation in the event of an emergency or remedial repair work being required.


11.1 Lua & Pine uses certain information given by the Guest about their party. This data may be used for administration purposes solely by Lua & Pine, and for sending the Guest future promotional or marketing literature, including print and online. By making a booking, the Guest confirms they consent for Lua & Pine to use their personal information for the above purposes.

11.2 Lua & Pine is committed to protecting the Guest’s privacy regarding the above information. Any information will remain confidential and is protected under the Data Protection Act 2018.

12. LAW

12.1 The contract between the Guest and Lua & Pine is governed by Portugal Law. Any dispute the Guest has with Lua & Pine shall be dealt with in a Portuguese Court of Law.


13.1 I have read the booking conditions and agree on behalf of all members of my party to abide by those conditions. I understand that the remaining balance will be automatically charged 30 days before the commencement date of the stay.

I confirm I am over 21 years of age.